Whittonditch Works, Whittonditch, Ramsbury, Marlborough, Wiltshire, SN8 2XB
Land - Residential For Sale
5,214 Sq Ft (484.38 Sq M)
Freehold: Offers in excess of £850,000
Shane Prater
The purpose-built industrial development is arranged as two terraces of three units, with a central courtyard. The units are of modern construction with brick and block cavity walls to the ground floor with profile steel sheet cladding to the upper parts and on the pitched roofs. The units are separated with blockwork internal party walls.
Each unit is provided with the following amenities;
Up and over loading door
3 phase power
Ground floor reception/office
15ft / 4.5m minimum eaves
Some units have been modified with the installation of mezzanine floors.
Externally the yard/car park area is laid with block pavers and two car parking spaces are provided with each property.
The total site area is approximately 0.45 / acre.
All leases are FR&I and excluded from the Section 24 to 28 of the landlord and tenant act 1954
Whittonditch Works is a small purpose-built development of industrial/warehouse units located off the B4192 approximately 4 miles to the northwest of Hungerford and just 1 mile from Ramsbury. The site is 6 miles from Junction 14 of the M4 motorway.
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